Welcome to Darien Pet Lovers

A Place to Share info about our Pets and Our Community

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Doggie that Launched a Million Smiles

Ripley Rose
A Doggie that launched a million smiles. Yep they all do.. That's thier Job!

 A lot of tears today  as my wife and I needed to put one of our pups down.  We rescued  Ripley and her partner in crime Charlie from a shelter about  11 years ago.

As all you pet lovers know it’s a hard thing to do..  however as we all know as the tears fade… The great memories and all the smiles and Joy that a pet can bring into your life and home will never fade away.

Ripley Show Me Tummy
  Thank God for you Pets they are truley with you for a reason

Thank you Ripley

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ask a Vet: What Kind of Treats Do You Recommend? -Amy Van Tassel, DVM

The first thing I look for in a treat is the number of calories it contains. A couple of years ago, I called some of the major manufacturers of commercial dog and cat treats to find out how many calories were in their treats. I was shocked by some of what I found. One treat had over 1,000 calories! That number of calories is almost the entire daily energy requirement for an average dog weighing 60 pounds.  I have a list of all the information I obtained from these calls on our website at http://woodridgeanimalhospital.com/Main/DogTreatCalories.html for dog treats or http://woodridgeanimalhospital.com/Main/CaloriesinCatTreats.html for cat treats. Click here for the rest of the story from Dr. Amy- Woodridge Patch